Every time I have a child or a teen client come in my practice, I always let parents know that I often involve the parent in the process of the child's healing because the psyche of the family system is inside of each child, and to add to that, so is each generation before them. We inherit all of the parts of the people that came before us; this creates an amazing opportunity to be a transitional generation for the well-being of our children.
What a beautiful gift we can give our kids to do our own work.
If we could only understand how much our inner lives as parents have an effect on our children, I think we'd all rush to therapy! I
f you're longing for better, more real and intimate connections with your kids and family, get curious about your inner life. Invest in the journey of therapy.
Take time to care for you: to understand why you feel what you do, why you think the way you think. This reduces shame and increases wholehearted living. Our ability to connect in vulnerable ways has an invaluable lasting imprint on our kids, and the result will be better attunement, richer empathy; and I can almost promise you... way more laughter, pure fun and play.