Relationship Musings: Hello, Me
The relationship we have with ourselves will show up in the relationships we have with others.
We are hard wired for relationship; our very design, shape, and structure is detailed in such a way that we are most alive when we are existing in safe, secure relationships. However, in order to have quality, meaningful relationships you first need to have a quality relationship with yourself. It has been said that to the extent that we know ourselves, is the extent that we can know God. I think this is true of every significant relationship. Relationships with others thrive when you have a deepened understanding of why you feel what you feel, why you think the way you think, why your heart aches at different moments, why you feel a bubbling of joy at others, and so on. This is self-awareness. We often project, suppress, deny, or displace our internal life if we haven't taken the time to befriend the inside self; and these things can damage relationships if they are left untouched. Take time to befriend you. Do you have a hospitable way of being with yourself, or are your thoughts driving you into self hatred and criticism? There is a lot of talk about self-love these days, but these aren't words to be taken lightly. The more you love yourself well, and guard your heart, the more you will love others well with solid boundaries.
If you've been curious about therapy, about what you would discover about your own heart, your soul, your life…. give it a shot. Have courage to uncover the untouched corners, allow a safe person to walk with you through the most amazing discovery ever! If you do, you will see all of your relationships in a new way ~ more accurate, more alive, more whole. More of you will begin to breathe.