Get Salty!
If you've ever taken a dive under a wave, or have floated in the briny water; or maybe you surf, and you know what it feels like to paddle out, to feel the mist of the salt-water spray against your face; or you simply enjoy sitting or walking on the beach-then you know that feeling of simultaneous calm and energy.
Salt is healing.
In ancient days, salt was sourced from the Dead-Sea and was used for the healing of wounds. Whole groups of people, living without modern medicines, relied on the healing properties of salt. Without it, an infection could fester, and disease would spread. Salt helped to keep communities whole.
Salt preserves and gives life.
Not only does salt preserve, keep, and sustain food from going bad fast, it also prevents bacteria from growing. Salt spices up and brings life to bland food!
Isn't it so clear these days how badly we need to be salt to each other?
As Carl Jung once said, "The world hangs by a thin thread, and that thin thread is the psyche of a people." To bring any kind of restoration to the soul of humanity, to make the thread stronger, we need to be healers to one another.
As a therapist, and I speak for my entire amazing team, we are here to be healers to a broken-hearted world, to help preserve the inherent worthiness of a person, and to bring the spice back to a dull life!