Staying In Our Bodies
Have you noticed that in times of stress how easy it is to feel disconnected from your feelings, which leads to a disconnect from your body?
People are often aware that they feel anxious, but aren't aware of the many other, more tender, vulnerable feelings that live in the body and heart. It is almost effortless to de-self, especially when we are feeling scared. And wow! We are living through a time in our history when people are anxious for many reasons. All that is happening in our world can feel similar to other times in our lives when we felt afraid, when we felt unsafe.
So now, friends, more than ever, it is so important that we are adamant about self-care, about taking the time to attend to the whole person... mind, body, and soul.
Whatever you are doing, even now, are you able to take time to be conscious of your breath? Breathing in slowly, mindfully; and exhaling, slowly, mindfully. This is a way to connect to your body, and to be aware of your feelings. A little bit of attention to soul and body just might lead you into knowing what you need. Maybe you need peace, maybe you need a dance party, or rest, or a friend. Take a minute, slow down, and listen to your body's wisdom, it always knows what's best.