Happy New Year from Salt Psychotherapy!

This year, are you ready to take care of your heart? Are you ready to find a secure place for your tears? Did you know that your salty tears contain two hormones: leu-enkephalin, your body's natural pain-killer; and oxytocin, which helps to soothe and mend a broken heart?

We want to extend an invitation to you to begin the brave process of letting go of the idea that you need to keep the fight up to fix yourself by yourself.

You get to exhale this year, and in so doing may you begin the gentle and sometimes slow practice of learning to rely on someone else for care. This takes an incredible amount of courage, especially if most of what you've experienced in this uncertain life is let down.

At Salt, we are advocates for self-care, but more importantly, we champion the parts of you that are learning how to let another person in to care for you.

We hope you can create an opening in your soul to tell someone (a wise and caring therapist) the truth about who you are and all you've been through, to learn that all the parts of you are deeply beloved.

All of us therapists at Salt find a great honor in caring for our clients with careful, steadfast, sensitive keeping. We specialize in trauma-informed, depth oriented work and seek customization and precision so that your tears bring beauty from ashes, peace and life from discontent. We delight in witnessing our clients wake up to the world with clear eyes that have been touched by the warmth and grace of attunement.

We help people with a variety of matters--depression, loneliness, anxiety, early trauma, relationship struggles, or just an all around ache and longing for wholeness and healing.

We are here for you! You can bring your tears and cry to me / our Salt team. Our biggest desire is to be a safe place for you to heal.


Grace Through The Grey


Giving Your Feelings Space