In Need
I'm not sure what you feel when you look at this picture. For me, I soften a little looking at it because I imagine the person holding the flower to be wrestling with a longing. It reminds me of pulling one petal at a time out of a flower when I was younger, singing along, "he loves me, he loves me not," until I came to the last petal in aching hope that I ended on
"he loves me.”
This flower, and the song, reminds me of Advent. The waiting, the wonder, the expectation, and perhaps, the hesitation to believe in the promise of hope fulfilled, or to continue to guard the heart because to hope again may lead to being let down again. However, whether this season of Advent is held as myth or literal for you, I believe there is a gift in the story for all of us.
A baby in a manger represents such vulnerability, total dependence. May we wrap up this chaotic year with regard for the vulnerable places in our hearts, with loving attention. This holiday season, be
compassionate towards the parts of yourself that are in need. Take time to slow down for a few moments, and with mindful awareness, remind yourself that you matter, more than you can imagine, and that you are so loved. This is the remaining petal on the flower.
Happy Holidays, Everyone!!