The weekend got me feeling like this!
What is it that brings you joy? Maybe it's something simple, like the weekend, or a flower that has blossomed, laughing with a friend. What is it that brings you a sense of awe and wonder? Cultivate this in your heart, guard this and protect it.
Sometimes we have to take fierce protection of the things that bring us joy.
Did you know that your boundaries are a sure-fire way of guarding all that is good in your life? Boundaries are those invisible gates put up around your soul to keep in what is good and nourishing and safe, and to keep out all that would strive to hurt, injure, deplete, or steer you off the right path. Boundaries are the the poles dug deep in the earth that declare you are worthy of protection.
Joy is also the the thing that seems unattainable if you are in the midst of healing, or if your heart is aching.
Dear One, keep doing the work. Keep reaching for and seeking wholeness. There is beauty on the horizon, the sun will rise! Be patient, remember you are beloved and worthy; and your efforts in therapy and healing will pay off and you'll get that joy back deep in your bones.
And, by the way, can we all shout for collective J O Y that we are re-opening and seeing signs of normalcy?!
Woo hoo!! Don't forget, the biggest way to nurture joy is to serve your neighbor, to get out side yourself and spread love. We need this more than ever. We are all healing from a very hard time in history and there is still more to do. How do you cultivate joy?