On Worth
I had a conversation with someone recently that was very meaningful. He was noticing and feeling a 'tender ache' in the air, it's all around us. Do you feel it, too? It's been two years of fear, loss, longing, confusion...and together, all of us now are embodying this tender ache.
Dear Friends, did you know that the statement - you are the salt of the earth- originally was spoken at a time when salt was used medicinally to help heal wounds for entire communities? It was also an extremely valuable commodity, it was worth so much that people were often paid in salt.
What is the message here for us?
Today, with this tender, aching intangible pulse that's all around us, we are invited to be healers to each other, to say to the friend or stranger:
You are valuable, how can I help bring you healing?
Or maybe the message for you is that you hear today, from me, that you are worthy- just as you are- and your wounds deserve attention and care.
We are here for you. We are a group of healers that hold compassion and love for our clients. Give your wounds the attending they need- healed people are whole people.