Struggles & Strengthening
Since January, starting with the death of Kobe Bryant and all of the beloved people in his helicopter, to quarantine— people getting sick and so many out of work, and some losing their lives due to covid; to now, with racial tension being high, innocent lives lost, and a seemingly continued disruption across so many groups of people, it all can cause us to feel dis-regulated, anxious, and afraid of the future. These have all been profound collective traumas that bear heavy weight on all of our hearts. Yet, I think there is hope. With the cracks under our feet, we may feel nervous to walk forward, but maybe we can fill the cracks with honey...
It may feel like a mess relationally with the people around you, but nobody ever said relationships were only supposed to be easy. In fact, every good relationship can walk through a storm and come out better for it, if the foundation had love and truth poured into it. A struggle may be a strengthening process, even if it's only you who is strengthened.
Listen to each other, be open, stay humble. I believe we can grow during this time if we allow ourselves to be challenged, to endure this disruption.
And don't forget to breathe. Meditate, pray. Calm your sweet nervous system, find peace on the inside. Seek comfort from those people and resources that nourish you to the deepest parts of who you are, to your bones.
We can grow through this time. Growth and change always happens through tension, ambivalence, and anxiety— if we lean into it, we can create something beautiful and stronger than when it first began.