May is a month to honor mental health, and the most important thing we can know about mental health is that this is a conversation for everyone. Nobody escapes this conversation because mental health is about the human experience. So, how do we nurture our mental health? How do we live authentically on this earth, as the real, whole deal?
First, remember, that the home you live in on the inside, the soul inside your body, is the house you will live in until your last breath, so you might as well make it a comfortable home now. Second, you want to begin the process of lovingly being honest with yourself about what your true experiences are— is there anxiety, loneliness, anger, etc...then the process develops into accepting these feelings. Take time to reflect on what is really there, on the inside. Do people know the real you?
Many of you, I know, suffer from a voice that is critical towards yourself. This creates so much suffering. To ease that heartache, what if you, ever so gently, found the more vulnerable feelings under that critical voice?
This is where your heart is. Once you can find those feelings, which are most likely from a younger, innocent self, then you are getting acquainted with the real you.
Befriend yourself. The more you love you, and are interceptively oriented to yourself, your connections to others will be more authentic as well.
PS -the less critical you become of you, the less critical you will be of others. Nurture the inside, and the outside will begin to glow.