Being Patient Through C-PTSD
Are you facing huge, boulder size fear, heartache, or emotional wounds from current relationships that have been built on the back of years of complex trauma?
Complex trauma, or c-ptsd, is that network on the inside, the system your soul and nervous system have adapted to, to ensure that you live in a state of hyper-vigilant protection, even when you don't really need to.
Complex trauma senses threat because the soul has become preconditioned to being hurt, neglected, or unwanted. It can create a type of shield around us; that shield however, can also keep out the good, because discerning the good is challenging when goodness wasn't abundant growing up.
Complex trauma is
happens at home steadily
through the years
wiring the mind and body
to accept less than what you need
to guard your heart and shut down vulnerability
yet...there is hope of healing
I have faced many boulder size traumas and complex trauma, and from first hand experience of healing, I can honestly tell you that healing is possible, yet it does require facing that boulder(s), which means facing the pain. But you get to do this at your pace- gently, slowly if needed. You deserve care, safety, and security. The last picture I am laughing in front of that boulder. This is how I feel today. Through healing, I've found profound strength and self-worth. Healing and wholeness is a lifetime of work, for everyone; and emotional boulders are no joke. But steadily done, healing is possible.