Have you ever felt that crushing, angering, and equally lonely, feeling of not being able to express yourself, or just not being heard?
Some people, and systems, are so defensive that they can't tolerate hearing anything different from their own
"right" way of feeling and thinking.
This happens all too often in families and churches, and controlling relationships.
To challenge could lead to dismissal, exclusion, and deep shame.
Yet, you are meant to critically think. You are meant to come to your own conclusions because you have a wisdom that is your own, a wisdom that's always been there. This is your right- a right to your own mind.
Loneliness is fraught with a lack of connection. To heal this loneliness, you must first find a connection to your own heart, your own voice. This is how you will steadily begin to trust yourself. Get to know your personal authority. With your own personal empowerment, when someone tries to dismiss all that's on the inside of you, you'll be able to hold onto yourself-standing on your own courageous two feet.