Simple Love
February is known as the month of love! What do you first think of when the word l o v e comes to mind? Truly, the word can stir up many emotions, memories, body sensations, and thoughts.
You may soften as you think of this word, or a part of your heart may feel a tender ache.
In our culture, we are fire-hosed with the message that romantic love is the only or most important type of love. However, we all have witnessed multiple ways love shows up. Just to name a handful of the different ways that we love- there's friendship and familial love, enduring love, selfless love (unconditional), playful love, self-love... and on and on. Love is the thing that keeps breath moving steadily in our lungs.
In our culture today, with all the stress facing us every which way we turn, we may think there's a shortage of love out there. Yet, I don't think so. While in line at Starbucks this morning, I witnessed loving moments all around me. People were kind and thoughtful-so many doors held open for each other; pleases and thank-you’s; smiles, and so on. Of course, this doesn't happen everywhere, all the time; but what a sweet reminder, that simple love exists...and
love. is. simple.
How have you witnessed love recently? Let's spread some good loving vibes- we need it.