You Are Loved, You Are Loved
You are loved.
What does it mean to have self-love? This concept can get a little confusing, there are so many different voices telling us what it means to love yourself.
To have a posture of love towards yourself doesn't mean that you consider yourself better than other people- it means you hold yourself with the same dignity and regard you do for others.
In fact, to the degree that we're able to love ourselves is the same degree that we love others. I think we need to let that sink in. If you're careful to remember yourself as a person of value and worth, deeply and innately loved, then you will be able to look in the eyes of every person you meet and see their natural value and worth- just as they are.
Be gentle with and love yourself the way you would your child or a good friend. Speak words of kindness to all the parts of you that need understanding. Imagine if we could offer ourselves and others this way of being, we just may find an open-hearted world.
If, when looking back through the kaleidoscope of your history, memories of relational trauma emerge, hold yourself with extra TLC. It's easy to slide down the dark road of self-critical talk when you live with these early wounds. Breathe carefully and mindfully in this place.
Your heart needs your love. Say that last part out loud.
You are loved.