The Unknown
Dear Friends,
We have all encountered a rather sudden, massive shift in the way we are going about daily living in what feels like one fell swoop after another. We are truly going through this together.
I've been taking the time to notice my own feelings and reactions to the daily developments of the coronavirus, and as I've talked with others, I've discovered we're all feeling similarly: there is a hum of fear of the unknown, a longing for sound thinking, and a hunger for peace and assurance. So, from my little corner of the world, here are some thoughts:
Fear & Uncertainty
We've never been through anything like this, ever. When you are afraid, my friend, the best thing you can do is to slow down your breath. Breathing, at least four second inhales and exhales does wonders for the brain and body. Trauma is held in the nervous system, so being conscious of your breath is so important.
Second, feed your spiritual self. Pray. Ask for peace. Ask for help and protection. Meditate. Think on good and beautiful things. Watch or listen to the news only as needed.
Staying Grounded & Seeking Peace
Being grounded means that you're fully present in your body and mind. Is your mind running in a million directions, or are you present and aware of what you and your family truly need? I think the best way to seek peace right now is to remember virtues like faith, trust, and hope. Getting outside will also help. Nature is incredibly grounding.
Connections & Comfort
Love is the best gift we can give one another right now. Don't isolate so much that you forget how much you need people. We are each other's greatest resource for comfort. Be socially proactive by contacting at least three people every day. Complete isolation will breed loneliness. Stay connected, and reach out to others. Above all, love one another. Ask how you can help, and ask for help if you need it. We've got this, together!